Using VPN for IoT to Protect IoT Devices from Cybersecurity

Using VPN for IoT to Protect IoT Devices from Cybersecurity

Using VPN for IoT to Protect IoT Devices from Cybersecurity

How to protect IoT devices from cybersecurity threats using VPN for IoT, enhance security, prevent hacks, and ensure safe smart home connectivity in 2025

In the modern world, IoT devices are very vulnerable due to less robust security and safety measures. Over 60% of IoT devices in the USA are hacked easily because of the lack of internet information and user acknowledgment. Moreover, IoT companies provide weak security management, so protecting your safety is a must-do duty from Vpnblade’s mission.

As over 10+ years trained cybersecurity expert I am going to tell you the hidden measures to protect your IoT devices. I will also mention some common mistakes you may often make while connecting your IoT devices. But before all that let's talk about what IoT devices are and how simple tricks can play a major role in protecting your devices. From the Best VPN For Android to protect your device from harmful websites. So read this blog till the end to know all the secrets.

What is an IoT device and using a VPN for IoT helpful?

IoT or Internet of Things refers to the electronic devices you use daily from car keys to fridges if the device is connected via WiFi or Bluetooth it is considered an IOT device. To make it more simple the reason we use IOT is because that makes our lives smart and quick. Let's assume the old classic fridge that works manually and has no sense of when to stop cooling and such but on the other hand a smart fridge that is paired with wifi will do automatic work and also keep you notified with messages on your phones. Hope that gives you an idea of what IOT means.

Can I use a VPN for IoT devices? Yes, you should use a VPN for IoT as the service adds a thick layer of protection to your device. Now you may be wondering why I use it the way it can’t steal any data and stuff.  However, that's where common Americans stop thinking and couldn't care less for IoT device security. The user can’t differentiate between harmful and helpful for example Is streameast safe?  Due to that hackers can potentially get full access to your home, security passwords, wifi passwords, and so on. Once a hacker breaches your wifi connection they can easily hack your device and phish all your bank details, and your account password, and even ask for ransom money just because you didn’t care about your smart fridge or Android TV security. The next section will help you choose the best VPN for IoT devices.


Here are only 2 major VPN protocol brands to protect your IoT device when there's a cyber attack- Open VPN and WireGuard. Let's have a detailed review of pricing, pros, cons, and the right fit for your IoT device.


Open VPN is an old VPN protocol service that has been running their service since the early 2000s. The reason why it's still the best service in the market is because of its well-secured service and fast VPN service for ages. Don't worry about money, as they provide a free service that makes them generous. You can connect only 2 device connections with your wifi with the free version. If you have more devices than 2 you can buy the service with the price of $7.00/mo only.

For the main points open VPN supports UDP and TCP methods in simple words, you can simply browse any country without being censored. The service runs at a high encrypted algorithm that is beneficial and makes this service the best VPN for IoT.


Wireguard is the fastest, most secure, and most reliable brand which makes it a perfect rival of OpenVPN. The OpenVPN is also a free service but it also has a paid version however you can enjoy this VPN protocol full service with no charges. For the main points, Wireguard only supports UDP which makes it difficult to access other countries' censorship. However, if you want a free service with maximum security this is the best choice for your needs.

Although VPN for IoT devices isn't the only thing that keeps your device protected.  Let's discuss the measures to protect your device from being hacked.

What are the measures to protect IoT smart homes?

There are many ways such as using a VPN for IoT, IoT firewall, and so on. However, people tend to forget how their devices got hacked in the first place. Let me tell you the simple hidden tricks and tips to protect IoT smart homes.

  • Not using a strong password- A strong password consists of one “A” upper case, over 8-12 characters, using one“@” special character, no connection with your birthdate or address. For example- ekard51@sry96#. This is just an example to protect your IoT devices from being hacked. 
  • Enabling unnecessary settings- Device security is a must, but using awful settings like a remote control for your phone is just as risky as driving a car without a handle. So, to protect your device, always look up and be updated on your privacy security.
  • No updates- if you haven't noticed about 40% of the devices are at a vulnerable place when if you haven't updated your device or the system updates have stopped. To counter this problem always keep in touch with your security updates.
  •  Buying cheap products—I am not saying that buying budget problems is bad, but using cheap products that are unrecognized by the mass audience is just stupidity. Therefore, always use electronic products that have a decent background to protect your IoT smart home.
  • Not using security protocols- following security protocols, isn't for a geek or nerd work keeping your device in a well-protected environment is everybody's duty. Protocols like VPN, vpn with a router, or using a firewall with IOT is a smart move against hackers.


To know about IoT devices more you should also know a few IoT devices that are available in the USA in 2025

  • Amazon Echo
  • Smart thermostats
  • Air quality monitors
  • Amazon Dash
  • Smart lighting
  • Smartwatches
  • Cameras
  • Smart home assistants
  • Autonomous vehicle
  • Connected cars
  • Home security
  • Nest
  • Philips Hue
  • Smart locks
  • Smart tv
  • Activity trackers
  • Bitdefender
  • Sensor
  • Amazon Echo Spot
  • Baby monitors
  • Smart Refrigerator
  • Google Home Voice Controller
  • Smoke alarms And more.

Feeling shocked? I expect you may know the half of the list. This is how easy hackers can get into your system if you make any minor mistake. Imagine a single household with a smart TV connected via wifi a can hacker can simply breach in with the help of advanced technology and steal all your data just because you haven't followed the proper steps.

Best VPN For Android in 2025

If you want to enjoy seamless nonstop entertainment you need a VPN for your Android device. A VPN can stop the malware and protect your IP location to give you a smooth streaming experience. Here is the best free and paid VPN list for Android 2025.

  • ExpressVPN (paid)- best for browsing 
  • NordVPN (paid)- nonstop gaming
  • Proton VPN (free)- best free VPN for Android
  • Turbo VPN(free) - free VPN with many servers
  • Octohide VPN (free)- free VPN with a nice proxy


As I said before, the protection of your IoT smart home is as necessary as protecting your skin from direct sunlight. All the IoT devices come with slighter weaker protection than your smartphones and laptops. However,  with proper measures and precautions, we can protect our IoT devices from being hacked. The main purpose of this blog was to keep you updated on this underrated cyberthreat which has been less acknowledged by mass media.

In the end, all I want to say is that protecting your device and keeping checks on your surroundings will help you in the long run, share your thoughts on which VPN protocol services like openVVPN or Wireguard.


What are two major concerns regarding IoT devices?

The major concerns are here as follows:

  • IoT devices like  smart coolers or smartwatches follow weak security protocols which can be solved if you follow proper measures
  • IoT devices such as smart fridges have a remote access setting, and if it isn't turned off can put your smart home in danger.

How can you check data on devices connected through an IoT network?

To check your data on devices through the IoT network, follow these methods as follows:

  • Download an IoT platform- there are dedicated apps for your IOT devices where that help you navigate the overview of your device
  • Use a mobile or laptop- a webpage overview or software where you can simply monitor all your IoT devices.
  • Network monitoring software- tools like Netflow or SNMP will help you check your data for your IoT devices with ease.

How to control IOT devices?

Here are the simple ways to control your IoT devices:

  • Dedicated apps for devices
  • Voice control
  • Web-based platforms
  • Mobile apps
  • Remote control protocols and more.
Gia Taylor

Authored By Gia Taylor

I am Gia Taylor, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. Here you can see my skills which give you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes. I adore writing a blog on many topics, like Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing, Social Media marketing, How to Blog, etc.

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