SEO Score

December, 1 2024 04:00:01 PM
To Improve


Title Tag

Il Giardino dei Libri - vendita libri online
Length: 60 character(s)
Ideally, your title tag should contain between 10 and 70 characters (spaces included).
Make sure your title is explicit and contains your most important keywords.
Be sure that each page has a unique title.

Meta Description

Il Giardino dei Libri, acquistare libri online non è mai stato così conveniente. A prezzi economici anche CD, DVD, eBook e Prodotti per la salute.
Length: 146 character(s)
Meta descriptions contains between 70 and 160 characters (spaces included).
It allow you to influence how your web pages are described and displayed in search results.
Ensure that all of your web pages have a unique meta description that is explicit and contains your most important keywords (these appear in bold when they match part or all of the user's search query).
A good meta description acts as an organic advertisement, so use enticing messaging with a clear call to action to maximize click-through rate.

Meta Keywords

No Keywords

Meta Keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code of a Web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page is.
However, google can't use meta keywords.


<H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6>
1 7 47 8 0 0
<H1> Il Giardino dei Libri - Corpo Mente Spirito </H1>
<H2> Dal 1998 la prima Libreria Online specializzata in Anima Corpo Mente e Spirito Medicine alternative, Spiritualità, Sviluppo personale, Psicologia, Tecniche per il Corpo e molto altro... </H2>
<H2> Libri Vedi tutti </H2>
<H2> Carte e tarocchi Vedi tutti </H2>
<H2> Corsi Video Vedi tutti </H2>
<H2> Prodotti Vedi tutti </H2>
<H2> Integratori Vedi tutti </H2>
<H2> Magazine Vedi tutti </H2>
<H3> Un'esperienza su misura </H3>
<H3> NOVITÀ </H3>
<H3> Uscire dalla Matrice - Rivelazioni Galattiche Volume 2 </H3>
<H3> Manuale Terrestre </H3>
<H3> Conosci il Tuo Destino </H3>
<H3> Astrologia Karmica </H3>
<H3> Il Potere di Scegliere </H3>
<H3> Angeli in Astronave </H3>
<H3> I Tuoi Genitori Interiori </H3>
<H3> Guarigione Ancestrale </H3>
<H3> Salvate gli Esseri Elementari </H3>
<H3> La Ricchezza che il Denaro Non ti Può Dare </H3>
<H3> Come Uscire dalla Paura </H3>
<H3> Guida per Istruttori e Allievi del Corso di Risveglio </H3>
<H3> Un Mondo Possibile </H3>
<H3> Corso di Risveglio </H3>
<H3> Tutta la Verità sui Vampiri </H3>
<H3> Angel Therapy (Le Carte della divinazione) </H3>
<H3> Carte della Luna </H3>
<H3> Tarocchi Shadowscapes </H3>
<H3> Tarocchi Rider Waite </H3>
<H3> Le Carte del Cambiamento: Cambia le tue Convinzioni </H3>
<H3> La Teoria del Tutto (Video Seminario) </H3>
<H3> Dall'Intelletto all'Intuizione (Video Seminario) </H3>
<H3> Oracolo dei Registri Akashici (Video Seminario) </H3>
<H3> Giovane per Sempre (Video Seminario) </H3>
<H3> Le Sette Iniziazioni e Come Prepararle (Video Seminario) </H3>
<H3> Olio Essenziale Tea Tree Puro </H3>
<H3> Pendoli Esagonali - 7 Chakra </H3>
<H3> Cerotto Disintossicante per Piedi </H3>
<H3> Pino Piatti Solido di Natale </H3>
<H3> Pendolo Rudraksha </H3>
<H3> Ciondolo Fiore della Vita Viola </H3>
<H3> Lampada di Sale Himalayano Naturale </H3>
<H3> Cerotti Lenitivi Tian Zhi (ogni pacchetto contiene 4 Cerotti) </H3>
<H3> Bagnodoccia alla Vaniglia Bianca </H3>
<H3> Brucia Incenso in Legno Fiore della Vita </H3>
<H3> Vital B </H3>
<H3> Magnesio Supremo® Solubile </H3>
<H3> Humpress </H3>
<H3> Aflogis </H3>
<H3> Tavolette di Clorella </H3>
<H3> Detox Bio Intensivo </H3>
<H3> Altrient - Vitamina C Liposomiale </H3>
<H3> Omesan </H3>
<H3> Artemis </H3>
<H3> Vitamina C - Acido Ascorbico </H3>
<H4> TOP 100 LIBRI </H4>
<H4> TOP 50 PRODOTTI </H4>
<H4> Supporto Clienti </H4>
<H4> </H4>
<H4> Preferenze Cookies </H4>

Use your keywords in the headings and make sure the first level (H1) includes your most important keywords. Never duplicate your title tag content in your header tag.
While it is important to ensure every page has an H1 tag, never include more than one per page. Instead, use multiple H2 - H6 tags.

Google Preview

Il Giardino dei Libri - vendita libri online

Il Giardino dei Libri, acquistare libri online non è mai stato così conveniente. A prezzi economici anche CD, DVD, eBook e Prodotti per la salute.

This is an example of what your Title Tag and Meta Description will look like in Google search results.
While Title Tags & Meta Descriptions are used to build the search result listings, the search engines may create their own if they are missing, not well written, or not relevant to the content on the page.
Title Tags and Meta Descriptions are cut short if they are too long, so it's important to stay within the suggested character limits.

Alt Attribute

We found 127 images on this web page
True No ALT attributes are empty or missing.

Alternative text is used to describe images to give the search engine crawlers (and the visually impaired).
Also, more information to help them understand images, which can help them to appear in Google Images search results.

Keywords Cloud

  • giardino18
  • della18
  • categorie16
  • carte14
  • libri13
  • musica12
  • evidenza11
  • classifica11
  • perchè10
  • corso9
  • video9
  • mondo8
  • ultime8
  • tarocchi8
  • therapy8
This Keyword Cloud provides an insight into the frequency of keyword usage within the page.
It's important to carry out keyword research to get an understanding of the keywords that your audience is using. There are a number of keyword research tools available online to help you choose which keywords to target.

Keyword Consistency

Keywords Freq Title Desc <H>
giardino 18 True True True
della 18 False False True
categorie 16 False False False
carte 14 False False True
libri 13 True True True
musica 12 False False False
evidenza 11 False False False
classifica 11 False False False
perchè 10 False False False
corso 9 False False True
video 9 False False True
mondo 8 False False True
ultime 8 False False False
tarocchi 8 False False True
therapy 8 False False True
This table highlights the importance of being consistent with your use of keywords.
To improve the chance of ranking well in search results for a specific keyword, make sure you include it in some or all of the following: page URL, page content, title tag, meta description, header tags, image alt attributes, internal link anchor text and backlink anchor text.

Text/HTML Ratio

HTML to Text Ratio is: 5.33%

Text content size 14767 bytes
Total HTML size 277303 bytes
Code to text ratio represents the percentage of actual text on a web page compared to the percentage of HTML code, and it is used by search engines to calculate the relevancy of a web page.
A higher code to text ratio will increase your chances of getting a better rank in search engine results.

GZIP compression

Wow! It's GZIP Enabled.
True Your webpage is compressed from 270 KB to 28 KB (89.7 % size savings)

Gzip is a method of compressing files (making them smaller) for faster network transfers.
It allows to reduce the size of web pages and any other typical web files to about 30% or less of its original size before it transfer.

WWW Resolve

Great, a redirect is in place to redirect traffic from your non-preferred domain.

Redirecting requests from a non-preferred domain is important because search engines consider URLs with and without "www" as two different websites.

IP Canonicalization

No your domain IP does not redirect to

To check this for your website, enter your IP address in the browser and see if your site loads with the IP address.
Ideally, the IP should redirect to your website's URL or to a page from your website hosting provider.
If it does not redirect, you should do an htaccess 301 redirect to make sure the IP does not get indexed.

In-Page Links

We found a total of 336 links including both internal & external links of your site

Anchor Type Follow
Chi siamoInternal LinksDofollow
Spedizioni e PagamentiInternal LinksDofollow
NewsletterInternal LinksDofollow
IntrovabiliInternal LinksDofollow
WebinarInternal LinksDofollow
MagazineInternal LinksDofollow
OmaggiInternal LinksDofollow
Il Giardino dei Libri - Corpo Mente SpiritoInternal LinksDofollow
AccediInternal LinksNofollow
RegistratiInternal LinksNofollow
LibriInternal LinksDofollow
Medicine alternativeInternal LinksDofollow
SpiritualitàInternal LinksDofollow
Sviluppo personaleInternal LinksDofollow
PsicologiaInternal LinksDofollow
EsoterismoInternal LinksDofollow
Alimentazione naturaleInternal LinksDofollow
Discipline orientaliInternal LinksDofollow
Maestri spiritualiInternal LinksDofollow
Racconti e saggiInternal LinksDofollow
Tecniche per il corpoInternal LinksDofollow
PaganesimoInternal LinksDofollow
ScienzaInternal LinksDofollow
Bambini e GenitoriInternal LinksDofollow
SciamanesimoInternal LinksDofollow
ReligioneInternal LinksDofollow
Misteri e cospirazionismoInternal LinksDofollow
PNLInternal LinksDofollow
Archeologia e StoriaInternal LinksDofollow
Lavoro ed EconomiaInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Un Mondo Possibile Nicolò Govoni € 15,20 € 16,00Internal LinksDofollow
1 Minuto al Giorno Selene Calloni Williams € 14,25 € 15,00Internal LinksDofollow
Guida per Istruttori e Allievi del Corso di Risveglio Salvatore Brizzi € 18,05 € 19,00Internal LinksDofollow
Perchè Il Giardino dei Libri?Internal LinksDofollow
  La Classifica BestsellerInternal LinksDofollow
  Le Prossime UsciteInternal LinksDofollow
BioCatalogoInternal LinksDofollow
Articoli per la Cura del CorpoInternal LinksDofollow
Articoli per la CasaInternal LinksDofollow
Salute e BenessereInternal LinksDofollow
Articoli per la salute di bambini e mammeInternal LinksDofollow
Articoli per lo Sport e il MovimentoInternal LinksDofollow
Prodotti per AnimaliInternal LinksDofollow
Gioielli e AccessoriInternal LinksDofollow
OggettisticaInternal LinksDofollow
Abbigliamento naturaleInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Cerotti Lenitivi Tian Zhi (ogni pacchetto contiene 4 Cerotti) Qiu Tian € 4,60Internal LinksDofollow
Pino Piatti Solido di Natale Officina Naturae € 2,51 € 2,95Internal LinksDofollow
Cerotto Disintossicante per Piedi Bio Luce € 13,80Internal LinksDofollow
  Le Ultime NovitàInternal LinksDofollow
  La Classifica BestsellerInternal LinksDofollow
IntegratoriInternal LinksDofollow
AntiossidantiInternal LinksDofollow
AyurvedaInternal LinksDofollow
Caffè VerdeInternal LinksDofollow
ClorellaInternal LinksDofollow
DetoxInternal LinksDofollow
Erba di GranoInternal LinksDofollow
Integratori DonnaInternal LinksDofollow
Integratori per CapelliInternal LinksDofollow
Integratori per Difese ImmunitarieInternal LinksDofollow
Magnesio Supremo® Solubile Natural Point € 18,00Internal LinksDofollow
Tavolette di Spirulina Bio Erbavoglio € 13,00Internal LinksDofollow
Zeolite Attivata - Elkopur 312 Scen-scientific & Natural € 32,90Internal LinksDofollow
  Le Ultime NovitàInternal LinksDofollow
  La Classifica BestsellerInternal LinksDofollow
RemaindersInternal LinksDofollow
Agricoltura BiologicaInternal LinksDofollow
Alimentazione naturaleInternal LinksDofollow
Archeologia e StoriaInternal LinksDofollow
Arti MarzialiInternal LinksDofollow
Attualità e temi socialiInternal LinksDofollow
Bambini e GenitoriInternal LinksDofollow
BioarchitetturaInternal LinksDofollow
Discipline orientaliInternal LinksDofollow
EsoterismoInternal LinksDofollow
Hobby e CreativitàInternal LinksDofollow
Lavoro ed EconomiaInternal LinksDofollow
Libri per BambiniInternal LinksDofollow
Maestri spiritualiInternal LinksDofollow
Massaggi e TrattamentiInternal LinksDofollow
Medicine alternativeInternal LinksDofollow
Misteri e cospirazionismoInternal LinksDofollow
PaganesimoInternal LinksDofollow
ParanormaleInternal LinksDofollow
Patologie e MalattieInternal LinksDofollow
Mesmerismus - Ipnosi e Mesmerismo in Immagini DVD Marco Paret € 47,00 € 97,01Internal LinksDofollow
Go Simple Max Formisano € 6,95 € 13,90Internal LinksDofollow
Il Corpo Sottile Cyndi Dale € 36,00 € 37,90Internal LinksDofollow
  La Classifica BestsellerInternal LinksDofollow
CD MusicaliInternal LinksDofollow
Musica per MassaggiInternal LinksDofollow
Musica per MeditazioneInternal LinksDofollow
Musica per RilassarsiInternal LinksDofollow
Musica per i ChakraInternal LinksDofollow
Musica New AgeInternal LinksDofollow
Musica per i BambiniInternal LinksDofollow
Musica per YogaInternal LinksDofollow
Musica ReikiInternal LinksDofollow
Natura e musicaInternal LinksDofollow
Osho - CDInternal LinksDofollow
TerapiaInternal LinksDofollow
Suoni della naturaInternal LinksDofollow
Mantra - CD MusicaInternal LinksDofollow
Kundalini Yoga MusicInternal LinksDofollow
Musica Celtica e dintorniInternal LinksDofollow
EtnicaInternal LinksDofollow
Canti GregorianiInternal LinksDofollow
CantiInternal LinksDofollow
AmbientInternal LinksDofollow
Mantra Sciamanici (CD) Capitanata € 18,05 € 19,00Internal LinksDofollow
The Sequences of Grigori Grabovoi - HNC. Vol. 1 - Basic Codes - 432 Hz CD Endrik Favero € 28,50 € 30,00Internal LinksDofollow
Translational Music a 432 Hz - CD Emiliano Toso € 15,00 € 18,00Internal LinksDofollow
  Le Ultime NovitàInternal LinksDofollow
  La Classifica BestsellerInternal LinksDofollow
CD AudioInternal LinksDofollow
Audio ConferenzeInternal LinksDofollow
Formazione e Crescita personaleInternal LinksDofollow
Meditazioni guidateInternal LinksDofollow
Psicologia ed EducazioneInternal LinksDofollow
Racconti e LetteraturaInternal LinksDofollow
Salute e AlimentazioneInternal LinksDofollow
Spiritualità - AudiolibriInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Abbraccia il Cambiamento (Audio-Corso in 2 CD) Louise Hay € 17,10 € 18,00Internal LinksDofollow
Omi Musicali Selene Calloni Williams € 20,90 € 22,00Internal LinksDofollow
Le Frequenze dei Miracoli - CD Audio Alessandro Da Col € 17,10 € 18,00Internal LinksDofollow
  Le Ultime NovitàInternal LinksDofollow
DVDInternal LinksDofollow
AlimentazioneInternal LinksDofollow
Documentari e filmInternal LinksDofollow
Guarigione e saluteInternal LinksDofollow
Medicina e scienzaInternal LinksDofollow
Psicologia e sviluppo personaleInternal LinksDofollow
Spiritualità ed esoterismoInternal LinksDofollow
Video in lingua ingleseInternal LinksDofollow
Video MusicaliInternal LinksDofollow
Video per BambiniInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Un Altro Mondo - DVD Thomas Torelli € 16,15 € 17,00Internal LinksDofollow
Lettura Veloce e Memoria (Video Corso in DVD) Giacomo Bruno € 97,00 € 118,34Internal LinksDofollow
Scopri Ho'Oponopono - Video in DVD Mabel Katz € 22,32 € 23,50Internal LinksDofollow
Carte e TarocchiInternal LinksDofollow
Carte da DivinazioneInternal LinksDofollow
Carte degli angeliInternal LinksDofollow
Carte dei TarocchiInternal LinksDofollow
Libri per Divinazione e cofanettiInternal LinksDofollow
Tarocchi Shadowscapes Stephanie Pui-Mun Law € 33,25 € 35,00Internal LinksDofollow
Angel Therapy (Le Carte della divinazione) Doreen Virtue € 20,90 € 22,00Internal LinksDofollow
Carte della Luna Alessandra Donati € 31,82 € 33,50Internal LinksDofollow
  Le Ultime NovitàInternal LinksDofollow
eBookInternal LinksDofollow
Agricoltura Biologica, Orto e GiardinoInternal LinksDofollow
Aldilà, medianitàInternal LinksDofollow
Alimentazione e ricetteInternal LinksDofollow
AnimaliInternal LinksDofollow
Apprendimento e formazioneInternal LinksDofollow
Astrologia e OroscopoInternal LinksDofollow
Attualità e temi socialiInternal LinksDofollow
AutostimaInternal LinksDofollow
Bambini e RagazziInternal LinksDofollow
Benessere e saluteInternal LinksDofollow
Bioarchitettura e Feng ShuiInternal LinksDofollow
CoachingInternal LinksDofollow
ComunicazioneInternal LinksDofollow
Consumo critico, Economia AlternativaInternal LinksDofollow
Crescita personaleInternal LinksDofollow
Diete e Peso FormaInternal LinksDofollow
Discipline per il Corpo, SportInternal LinksDofollow
Ebook in Lingue StraniereInternal LinksDofollow
EcologiaInternal LinksDofollow
Metamedicina 2.0 - Ogni Sintomo è un Messaggio (eBook) Claudia Rainville € 14,99Internal LinksDofollow
Visualizzazione degli Organi del Corpo (eBook) Michael Doody € 1,00Internal LinksDofollow
La Mente Quantica - (Ebook) Vincenzo Fanelli € 4,99Internal LinksDofollow
  Le Ultime NovitàInternal LinksDofollow
  La Classifica BestsellerInternal LinksDofollow
Video OnlineInternal LinksDofollow
BenessereInternal LinksDofollow
Crescita PersonaleInternal LinksDofollow
Documentari - Video OnlineInternal LinksDofollow
Leadership e Management - Video OnlineInternal LinksDofollow
PsicheInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Corso di Risveglio 1 (Video Seminario) Salvatore Brizzi € 100,00Internal LinksDofollow
EFP Therapy - Rabbia (Videocorso Digitale) Erica Francesca Poli € 12,20Internal LinksDofollow
Maestri Invisibili (Videocorso) Igor Sibaldi € 48,80Internal LinksDofollow
  Le Ultime NovitàInternal LinksDofollow
  La Classifica BestsellerInternal LinksDofollow
EventiInternal LinksDofollow
PsicologiaInternal LinksDofollow
SpiritualitàInternal LinksDofollow
Salute e BenessereInternal LinksDofollow
“Iniziazione alla Grande dea Madre” con Gaia Shamanel Gaia Shamanel € 54,00Internal LinksDofollow
“Laboratorio di Salutogenesi – Imparare a creare salute in ogni attimo della propria vita” con Erica F. Poli Erica Francesca Poli € 54,00Internal LinksDofollow
“Liberi di essere se stessi” con Monica Colosimo Monica Colosimo € 54,00Internal LinksDofollow
Cookie PolicyInternal LinksDofollow
NOVITÀInternal LinksDofollow
Venerdì 29 NovembreInternal LinksDofollow
Mercoledì 27 NovembreInternal LinksDofollow
Lunedì 25 NovembreInternal LinksDofollow
Venerdì 22 NovembreInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Uscire dalla Matrice - Rivelazioni Galattiche Volume 2Internal LinksDofollow
Anne GivaudanInternal LinksDofollow
Manuale TerrestreInternal LinksDofollow
Giovanni Vanni FrajeseInternal LinksDofollow
Conosci il Tuo DestinoInternal LinksDofollow
Marco Cesati CassinInternal LinksDofollow
Astrologia KarmicaInternal LinksDofollow
Francesca SpadesInternal LinksDofollow
Il Potere di ScegliereInternal LinksDofollow
Italo PentimalliInternal LinksDofollow
Angeli in AstronaveInternal LinksDofollow
Giorgio DibitontoInternal LinksDofollow
I Tuoi Genitori InterioriInternal LinksDofollow
Kim FohlensteinInternal LinksDofollow
Guarigione AncestraleInternal LinksDofollow
Trevor GreenfieldInternal LinksDofollow
Salvate gli Esseri ElementariInternal LinksDofollow
Thomas MayerInternal LinksDofollow
La Ricchezza che il Denaro Non ti Può DareInternal LinksDofollow
Robin SharmaInternal LinksDofollow
Come Uscire dalla PauraInternal LinksDofollow
Marcello PamioInternal LinksDofollow
Guida per Istruttori e Allievi del Corso di RisveglioInternal LinksDofollow
Salvatore BrizziInternal LinksDofollow
Un Mondo PossibileInternal LinksDofollow
Nicolò GovoniInternal LinksDofollow
Corso di RisveglioInternal LinksDofollow
Fosco Del NeroInternal LinksDofollow
Tutta la Verità sui VampiriInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Angel Therapy (Le Carte della divinazione)Internal LinksDofollow
Doreen VirtueInternal LinksDofollow
Carte della LunaInternal LinksDofollow
Alessandra DonatiInternal LinksDofollow
Tarocchi ShadowscapesInternal LinksDofollow
Stephanie Pui-Mun LawInternal LinksDofollow
Barbara MooreInternal LinksDofollow
Tarocchi Rider WaiteInternal LinksDofollow
Pamela Colman SmithInternal LinksDofollow
Arthur Edward WaiteInternal LinksDofollow
Le Carte del Cambiamento: Cambia le tue ConvinzioniInternal LinksDofollow
Suzy SinghInternal LinksDofollow
TOP CARTE E ORACOLIInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
La Teoria del Tutto (Video Seminario)Internal LinksDofollow
Igor SibaldiInternal LinksDofollow
Dall'Intelletto all'Intuizione (Video Seminario)Internal LinksDofollow
Oracolo dei Registri Akashici (Video Seminario)Internal LinksDofollow
Lianka TrozziInternal LinksDofollow
Giovane per Sempre (Video Seminario)Internal LinksDofollow
LumiraInternal LinksDofollow
Le Sette Iniziazioni e Come Prepararle (Video Seminario)Internal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Olio Essenziale Tea Tree PuroInternal LinksDofollow
La SaponariaInternal LinksDofollow
Pendoli Esagonali - 7 ChakraInternal LinksDofollow
Fonix LivingInternal LinksDofollow
Cerotto Disintossicante per PiediInternal LinksDofollow
Bio LuceInternal LinksDofollow
Pino Piatti Solido di NataleInternal LinksDofollow
Officina NaturaeInternal LinksDofollow
Pendolo RudrakshaInternal LinksDofollow
Ciondolo Fiore della Vita ViolaInternal LinksDofollow
Mani BhadraInternal LinksDofollow
Lampada di Sale Himalayano NaturaleInternal LinksDofollow
SognacoseInternal LinksDofollow
Cerotti Lenitivi Tian Zhi (ogni pacchetto contiene 4 Cerotti)Internal LinksDofollow
Qiu TianInternal LinksDofollow
Bagnodoccia alla Vaniglia BiancaInternal LinksDofollow
Nature'sInternal LinksDofollow
Brucia Incenso in Legno Fiore della VitaInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Vital BInternal LinksDofollow
Solo NaturaInternal LinksDofollow
Magnesio Supremo® SolubileInternal LinksDofollow
Natural PointInternal LinksDofollow
HumpressInternal LinksDofollow
AflogisInternal LinksDofollow
Tavolette di ClorellaInternal LinksDofollow
ErbavoglioInternal LinksDofollow
Detox Bio IntensivoInternal LinksDofollow
Salus HausInternal LinksDofollow
Altrient - Vitamina C LiposomialeInternal LinksDofollow
Livon LaboratoriesInternal LinksDofollow
OmesanInternal LinksDofollow
ArtemisInternal LinksDofollow
Vitamina C - Acido AscorbicoInternal LinksDofollow
Santé NaturelsInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
Origini e Significati del Calendario dell'Avvento Mille luci si accendono e tanti profumi speziati si librano nell’aria… Il primo dicembre inizia il Calendario dell'Avvento! Scopri di più su questa tradizione.Internal LinksDofollow
In Libreria con Barbara - Intervista a Cristina Bari e Dario Perlangeli In Libreria con Barbara - Intervista a Cristina Bari e Dario Perlangeli - Non perdere gli spunti di crescita personale scritti per te dagli autori!Internal LinksDofollow
La profonda verità sui fili di energia Scopri cosa aumenta la tua energia e che cosa la diminuisce leggendo l'anteprima del libro di Denise Linn.Internal LinksDofollow
Un Approccio Olistico al Benessere: Come il "Piccolo Manuale" Integra Corpo, Mente e Spirito Benessere olistico per una vita sana: Scopri la guida pratica di Cinzia Galletto con tecniche e consigli per corpo, mente e spirito in equilibrio.Internal LinksDofollow
Rispondere alla chiamata della maternità Se intrapresa consapevolmente, la maternità può aiutarti a divenire la più completa versione di te stessa. Inizia ora il percorso: continua a leggere!Internal LinksDofollow
Selene CalloniInternal LinksDofollow
TarocchiInternal LinksDofollow
EresiaInternal LinksDofollow
IntegratoriInternal LinksDofollow
AlchimiaInternal LinksDofollow
Musica RilassanteInternal LinksDofollow
MusicoterapiaInternal LinksDofollow
Regala una Gift CardInternal LinksDofollow
Scopri i punti GratitudineInternal LinksDofollow
Area AffiliatiInternal LinksDofollow
Policy sulla PrivacyInternal LinksNofollow
Dicono di noiInternal LinksDofollow
Mappa autoriInternal LinksDofollow
Mappa editoriInternal LinksDofollow
Mappa produttoriInternal LinksDofollow
Mappa del SitoInternal LinksDofollow
Condizioni di VenditaInternal LinksDofollow
CondizioniInternal LinksDofollow
FaqInternal LinksDofollow
Accedi/RegistratiInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
+39 0541 340567Internal LinksDofollow
CreditiInternal LinksDofollow LinksDofollow
FacebookExternal LinksDofollow
InstagramExternal LinksDofollow
YoutubeExternal LinksDofollow
While there's no exact limit to the number of links you should include on a page, best practice is to avoid exceeding 200 links.
Links pass value from one page to another, but the amount of value that can be passed is split between all of the links on a page. This means that adding unnecessary links will dilute the potential value attributed to your other links.
Using the Nofollow attribute prevents value from being passed to the linking page, but it's worth noting that these links are still taken into account when calculating the value that is passed through each link, so Nofollow links can also dilute pagerank.

XML Sitemap

Oh no, XML Sitemap file not found!

A sitemap lists URLs that are available for crawling and can include additional information like your site's latest updates, frequency of changes and importance of the URLs. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently.
We recommend that you generate an XML sitemap for your website and submit it to both Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. It is also good practice to specify your sitemap's location in your robots.txt file.


Good, you have Robots.txt file!

A robots.txt file allows you to restrict the access of search engine robots that crawl the web and it can prevent these robots from accessing specific directories and pages. It also specifies where the XML sitemap file is located.
You can check for errors in your robots.txt file using Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) by selecting 'Robots.txt Tester' under 'Crawl'. This also allows you to test individual pages to make sure that Googlebot has the appropriate access.

URL Rewrite

Warning! We have detected parameters in a massive number of URLs

Your site's URLs contain unnecessary elements that make them look complicated.
A URL must be easy to read and remember for users. Search engines need URLs to be clean and include your page's most important keywords.
Clean URLs are also useful when shared on social media as they explain the page's content.

Underscores in the URLs

Oh no, you are using underscores (these_are_underscores) in your URLs

Great, you are not using ?underscores (these_are_underscores) in your URLs.
While Google treats hyphens as word separators, it does not for underscores.

Embedded Objects

Perfect, no embedded objects has been detected on this page

Embedded Objects such as Flash. It should only be used for specific enhancements.
Although Flash content often looks nicer, it cannot be properly indexed by search engines.
Avoid full Flash websites to maximize SEO.


Oh no, iframe content has been detected on this page

Frames can cause problems on your web page because search engines will not crawl or index the content within them.
Avoid frames whenever possible and use a NoFrames tag if you must use them.

Domain Registration

Exactly how many years and months

Domain Age: 24 Years, 162 Days

Created Date: 22nd-Jun-2000

Updated Date: 30th-Jun-2024

Expiry Date: 14th-Jun-2025

Domain age matters to a certain extent and newer domains generally struggle to get indexed and rank high in search results for their first few months (depending on other associated ranking factors). Consider buying a second-hand domain name.
Do you know that you can register your domain for up to 10 years? By doing so, you will show the world that you are serious about your business.


WhoIs domain information can help you determine the proper administrator, billing and technical
contact information.

* Please note that the following result could be a subgroup of *
* the data contained in the database. *
* *
* Additional information can be visualized at: *
* *

Status: ok
Signed: no
Created: 2000-06-22 00:00:00
Last Update: 2024-06-30 00:51:23
Expire Date: 2025-06-14

Organization: Macropost il Giardino dei Libri s.r.l.

Admin Contact
Name: hidden
Organization: hidden

Technical Contacts
Name: gTLD Contact
Organization: 9Net S.r.l.
Address: Via Gulinelli 21/A
Created: 2009-11-18 09:48:33
Last Update: 2020-10-14 16:54:13

Organization: Aruba Business s.r.l.


WhoIs domain information can help you determine the proper contact for any domain listed in the Whois database.
A WhoIs lookup identifies the administrator contact information, billing contact and the technical contact for each domain name listing or IP in the WhoIs database.

Mobile Friendliness

Oh No! This page is not mobile-friendly.
Your mobile friendly score is 0/100

Mobile Friendliness refers to the usability aspects of your mobile website, which Google uses as a ranking signal in mobile search results.

Mobile View

The number of people using the Mobile Web is huge; over 75 percent of consumers have access to smartphones. ??
Your website should look nice on the most popular mobile devices.
Tip: Use an analytics tool to track mobile usage of your website.

Mobile Compatibility

Bad, embedded objects detected.

Embedded Objects such as Flash, Silverlight or Java. It should only be used for specific enhancements.
But avoid using Embedded Objects, so your content can be accessed on all devices.

Length: 18 characters

Keep your URLs short and avoid long domain names when possible.
A descriptive URL is better recognized by search engines.
A user should be able to look at the address bar and make an accurate guess about the content of the page before reaching it (e.g.,


FavIcon Great, your website has a favicon.

Favicons improve a brand's visibility.
As a favicon is especially important for users bookmarking your website, make sure it is consistent with your brand.

Custom 404 Page

Great, your website has a custom 404 error page.

When a visitor encounters a 404 File Not Found error on your site, you're on the verge of losing the visitor that you've worked so hard to obtain through the search engines and third party links.
Creating your custom 404 error page allows you to minimize the number of visitors lost that way.

Page Size

270 KB (World Wide Web average is 320 Kb)

Two of the main reasons for an increase in page size are images and JavaScript files.
Page size affects the speed of your website; try to keep your page size below 2 Mb.
Tip: Use images with a small size and optimize their download with gzip.

Load Time

2.17 second(s)

Site speed is an important factor for ranking high in Google search results and enriching the user experience.
Resources: Check out Google's developer tutorials for tips on how to to make your website run faster.


Good, you have declared your language
Declared Language: Italian

Make sure your declared language is the same as the language detected by Google
Also, define the language of the content in each page's HTML code.

Domain Availability

Domains (TLD) Status Already Registered Already Registered Already Registered Already Registered Already Registered

Register the various extensions of your domain to protect your brand from cybersquatters.

Typo Availability

Domains (TLD) Status Available Available Available Available Available

Register the various typos of your domain to protect your brand from cybersquatters.

Email Privacy

Email address has been found in plain text!

We don't recommend adding plain text/linked email addresses to your webpages.
As malicious bots scrape the web in search of email addresses to spam. Instead, consider using a contact form.

Safe Browsing

The website is not blacklisted and looks safe to use.

Safe Browsing to identify unsafe websites and notify users and webmasters so they can protect themselves from harm.

Server IP

Server IP Server Location Service Provider Unavailable Unavailable

Your server's IP address has little impact on your SEO. Nevertheless, try to host your website on a server which is geographically close to your visitors.
Search engines take the geolocation of a server into account as well as the server speed.

Speed Tips

Tips for authoring fast-loading HTML pages:

True Perfect, your website has few CSS files.

True Perfect, your website has few JavaScript files.

True Perfect, your website doesn't use nested tables.

False Too bad, your website is using inline styles.

Website speed has a huge impact on performance, affecting user experience, conversion rates and even rankings.
???By reducing page load-times, users are less likely to get distracted and the search engines are more likely to reward you by ranking your pages higher in the SERPs.
Conversion rates are far higher for websites that load faster than their slower competitors.


We didn't detect an analytics tool installed on this website.

Web analytics let you measure visitor activity on your website.
You should have at least one analytics tool installed, but It can also be good to install a second in order to cross-check the data.

W3C Validity

W3C not validated

W3Cis a consortium that sets web standards.
Using valid markup that contains no errors is important because syntax errors can make your page difficult for search engines to index. Run the W3C validation service whenever changes are made to your website's code.

Doc Type

Your Web Page doctype is HTML 5

The Doctype is used to instruct web browsers about the document type being used.
For example, what version of HTML the page is written in.
Declaring a doctype helps web browsers to render content correctly.


Great, language/character encoding is specified: UTF-8

Specifying language/character encoding can prevent problems with the rendering of special characters.

Indexed Pages

Indexed pages in search engines

111,000 Page(s)

This is the number of pages that we have discovered on your website.
A low number can indicate that bots are unable to discover your webpages, which is a common cause of a bad site architecture & internal linking, or you're unknowingly preventing bots and search engines from crawling & indexing your pages.

Backlinks Counter

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Social Data

Your social media status

Social data refers to data individuals create that is knowingly and voluntarily shared by them.
Cost and overhead previously rendered this semi-public form of communication unfeasible.
But advances in social networking technology from 2004-2010 has made broader concepts of sharing possible.

Estimated Worth

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Traffic Rank

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Visitors Localization

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