company profiles, company information, white pages, telephone directory, free, White Pages, Canadian business directory, sales leads, business intelligence, competitive, information, industry research, taxonomy, Canadian company information, business information, executive research, Canadian company search, CRM integration, Canadian company research, public company, private company, corporate descriptions, prospecting and sales tool, lead generation, sales prospecting, contact names, officer lists, direct mail, direct marketing, sales and marketing, business development, competitor analysis, competitive intelligence, investment research, financial information, Canadian business directory, label, database, cd-rom, prospect, Canadian, customer, relationship, market, management, purchaser, target, compile, data, information, buyer, industry, phone, fax, GTA, Golden horseshoe, Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, B.C., Western Canada
Meta Keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code
of a Web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page is.
However, google can't use meta keywords.