The Complete SEO Checklist For 2024

Complete Step by Step Website Launch and SEO Checklist


The Complete Web and SEO Checklist For 2023 to make your website Search Engine Friendly. Click on the plus (+) button for instructions to fix the checklist. After fixing click on the check box


  • Images Optimized
    • Compress all your images using either web processors such as and, or desktop apps such as FileOptimizer and ImageOptim.
    • Generate the exact image size for each element instead of resizing it with CSS/HTML as this can be a heavy process for the browser to perform.
    • Utilize Image Sprites to save on HTTP requests and bandwidth.
  • Reduced Page Weight & Requests
    Here are some tips to keep your page weight under 2MB and 50 requests:
    • Limit 3rd party libraries & scripts
    • Load resources & requests asynchronously
    • Consider a CDN for static assets & pages
  • Limited Web Font Usage
    Many websites are loading full sets of font glyphs and weights they are not even using. Web fonts can also present inconsistent performance due to the reliance on third party servers for heavy font files. Try to limit your pages to 2-3 web fonts or use a System Font Stack for a comfortable look to the user.
  • GZIP & JS/CSS Minified
    GZIP is a powerful compressor for text files that can be configured in the web server. Javascript and CSS files should be combined into one file and minified when served to the user to reduce the impact of loading on the critical path. I suggest the tools UgilfyJS for Javascript and CSSO for CSS.
  • Implemented HTTP/2
    HTTP/2 is the newest HTTP protocol, has good support across browsers, and makes great improvements to load speed. Here is a guide for enabling HTTP/2 in Nginx.
  • Async & Defer Attributes Added
    Tell the browser when to download and execute a script file so it doesn't block any other resources. I like this guide for showing what each of these script attributes does.
  • Resource Hinting Added
    If you're using any 3rd party assets then you will have a DNS lookup attached, both these and your own resources can block each other or be loaded out-of-order. Here is a guide for the various values of the link attribute "rel" that tells the browser when and how to handle these situations. This is the W3Consortium document for Resource-Hints.
  • Cache Headers Set
    Specify the [cache-control] header with a [max-age] directive in the web server to avoid having the browser set poor default versions. This will provide huge performance savings for users who see the same resources multiple times. Static assets with versioning should be cached for as long as possible.
  • Consider Service Workers
    Service Workers will give you precise control over cache and allow the creation of an offline web experience. Here are some code examples.
  • Run Testing
    My favorite tools are,, and Lighthouse. Make sure to test in 4G, 3G, and Wi-Fi network environments as well as with popular devices.


  • Page-Specific Keywords Set
    While less important than it used to be, keyword targeting is still one of the most common suggestions towards improving SEO ranking.
    Include the keyword or phrase in the:
    • URL - Make sure it's short and semantically clear
    • Title Tag - Include keyword or phrase in beginning, max 70 characters
    • Meta Description - Unique on every page, max 155 characters
    • H1 - One per page, less important to include keyword
  • Google Analytics & Search Console Setup
    Google Analytics can help you target users and isolate problem areas for your website. Philip Walton explains a GA setup that he uses to "reap its full benefits". Remember to connect your Search Console and Analytics! Note that Bing Webmaster Tools are more important for U.S. targeted sites.
  • XML Sitemap Created & Submitted
    Tools such as make generating a sitemap simple. Submit a sitemap to all the search engines so they can more intelligently crawl your website.
  • Robots.txt Created
    A robots.txt file instructs robots which pages they can visit.
  • Scanned for Broken Links & Crawl Problems
    Use a tool such as Screaming Frog SEO Spider to crawl your website and evaluate various issues related to SEO.
  • Canonical Links Set
    If applicable set a canonical link on each page using an absolute URL without query strings. You should redirect traffic from www to non-www or vice-versa, lowercase, and remove the trailing slash.
  • Rich Snippets & Structured Data Added
    Structured data allows search engines to better understand your HTML markup and generate rich snippets for the results page. Rich Snippets don't directly affect your ranking but make the results page much more appealing and feature rich to possible visitors.
  • Facebook & Twitter Cards Created
    Facebook's Open Graph and Twitter's Cards allow you to make social sharing much more appealing to people viewing the "share" on social media websites. Both Facebook and Twitter have tools to preview and debug your cards.


  • HTTPS Set Everywhere
    HTTPS should be implemented not just on the login page as it is a prerequisite for a number of other technologies in security and performance. Let's Encrypt allows you to easily and freely create and manage a certificate. Make sure your Cipher Suite is up to date and enable OCSP stapling on your web server. Test your page using SSL Labs.
  • Security Headers Set
    Taking the time to setup simple headers on your webserver will save you down the road.
    Test using:
    • CSP header to mitigate XSS and data injection attacks
    • CSRF token to prevent cross site request forgery.
    • X-Frame-Options header to protect against click-jacking
    • X-XSS-Protection header to mitigate XSS attacks
    • Use HSTS responses to force TLS only access. Redirect all HTTP request to HTTPS on the server as backup
    • Cookies should be scoped by path and domain as well as utilize HttpOnly, SameSite, and Secure attributes
  • Sanitized & Limited User Input/Parameters
    When parsing input, remember to sanitize for data://, javascript://, and CRLF characters. Never directly inject user content into responses or SQL statements.
  • Password Hashes Stored in scrypt or bcrypt
    bcrypt is much older than scrypt and has received more analysis and implementations but many suggest that scrypt is faster and stronger.
  • Rate Limited Slower API paths
    In order to protect yourself from Denial-of-Service attacks, implement a rate limiter on API paths such as login or token generation.


  • Contrast Analyzed
    Ensure that a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 exists between text and background. This improves readability for a majority of users and ensures the possibility of reading to a few. Here is more explanation and some visual indicators.
  • Keyboard Navigation Added
    Make sure that the browser's keyboard shortcuts are not overwritten. Use the WAI-ARIA attributes which give semantic information about the role, state, and property to assistive technologies.
  • Menus Analyzed
    Use semantic markup and clear styling to convey the menu element and structure that is consistent with every page. A usability tip is to ensure all pages are accessible through three or fewer clicks from the homepage. Here is a guide to creating accessible menus.
  • Non-Textual Elements Have Alt Tags
    Alt tags provide textual interpretation to visual elements. Make sure your alt tags tell the content and function of the visual, are succinct, accurate, and do not use the phrases "image of" or "graphic of".
  • Forms Analyzed
    Here is a great guide for accessibility on all different form elements. Forms should be navigable using the keyboard, clear, and intuitive.


  • Checked Spelling & Readability
    Remove all placeholder text and images. Split up your text into small paragraphs with a line length of 50-75 characters. Test using WebpageFXs Readability Test Tool.
  • Contact Details & Social Media Reviewed
    Allow easy and correct contact information so people can report bugs & vulnerabilities. Limit the number of social media buttons to minimize requests and create more focus.
  • Links Analyzed
    • Links are descriptive and appear "clickable"
    • External links use the rel="noopener" attribute
    • Important links dont move (auto carousels or accordions)
    • Links not in navigation have title attribute
  • Created Favicon & App Icons
    Use a service such as RealFaviconGenerator to easily generate the many icons needed for various platforms. Test in development to ensure no errors.
  • Created Custom 404 & Offline Pages
    Create a custom 404.html page and an offline.html page and set them up on the web server to give better feedback to the user.


  • Compatible with Browsers & Platforms
    Test on the major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE/Edge, and Opera. Utilize tools or libraries such as Modernizr to only use features that are available to the user.
  • Responsive Analysis Done
    Responsive means that based on the width of the browser the CSS gives different style rules while all the resources stay the same. The most common change is a mobile drop-down menu. I use Chrome device toolbar from within the Developer Tools as well as Emmet Re:view to test page view throughout development down to around 300px.
  • Inputs are Mobile Optimized
    All relevant inputs have the type attribute set for a better user experience.

Turbo SEO Checklist

Complete step by step free SEO Checklist template you have to use before, during, and after Launching your website to rank on google in 2022 To know more about SEO Checklist read the full article.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. A well-executed SEO campaign can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and bring in more web traffic.

There are a few things you can do to help your website rank higher in search engine results. Follow a few simple tips and your website will be on its way to the top of the search engine results pages.

Website Performance

Website performance is one of the most important factors to consider when designing a website. Poor website performance can cause users to abandon your site, leading to lost business and revenue.

There are a number of factors that can affect website performance, including:

  1. Poorly written code.
  2. Inefficient back-end systems.
  3. Poorly configured servers.
  4. Slow web browsers.
  5. Insufficient bandwidth.
  6. Poorly managed hosting plans.
  7. Poorly configured DNS servers.
  8. Inefficient search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Website optimization, or “SEO” as it’s more commonly known, is the process of making your website as “search engine friendly” as possible. This means that your website is easy for search engines to find and index, which can lead to higher traffic and conversion rates.

There are a few key things you can do to make your website SEO-friendly:

  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Make your website content rich and relevant.

Make sure your website’s content is fresh and well-written and provides valuable information that potential customers will want to find with search engine optimization services. Include keywords throughout your content, and make sure your.


Website security is a top priority for most organizations. However, even with the best security measures in place, your website can be compromised if it is not properly protected. Here are few think for improving website security:

1. Use a Secure Server

Your website should be hosted on a secure server. This means the server is protected with a firewall, antivirus software, and other security measures.

2. Use a Secure HTTP Protocol

Your website should use a secure HTTP protocol. This means the data is transferred over a secure connection, protecting it from unauthorized access.

3. Use a Secure Login Process

When it comes to securing your online presence, using a secure login process is a must. A secure login process helps protect your account from being hacked, and it also ensures that only approved individuals can access your account.

To create a secure login process, you first need to create a secure password. Make sure that your password is at least 8 characters long and includes at least one number and one letter. Next, make sure to keep your login information confidential. Never share your login information with anyone, and always use a different login password for every website.


Website accessibility is the process of making a website accessible to everyone, regardless of disability. It is important to make sure that everyone can use your website, including people with disabilities and visitors who are not familiar with website navigation.

There are a few things you can do to make your website more accessible. You can make sure that all text is available in a variety of formats, including large text, large print, Braille, and audio versions. You can also make sure that all images are available in a variety of formats, including high-resolution versions. You can also make sure that your website is accessible using screen readers.


Website content is the cornerstone of a successful online presence. Your website should be well-written, easy to navigate and informative. Your website should also be optimized for search engine visibility and usability.

Your website content should be organized into separate sections, each with its own purpose. A well-written website should have the following sections:

  • A home page that provides an overview of your business and introduces you and your team.
  • A blog that provides regular updates on your company and industry news.
  • A product catalog that showcases your products and services.
  • A contact page that allows visitors to get in touch with you.

Website content is the information that is presented to the visitor when they visit your website. This content can be in the form of text, images, and videos.

When creating your website content, it is important to think about the purpose of the content. You should determine what your target audience is looking for on your website and provide that information.

Your website content should be easy to understand and use. You should also make sure that the content is updated regularly, so that it is fresh and relevant.

In order to create website content that is effective, you will need to have a good understanding of website design. You should also have a good understanding


Website functionality is important in order to provide an overall user experience. Functionality includes the following:

Design: The overall design of the website should be easy to navigate and use. Navigation should be consistent throughout the website and the use of clear and concise language should be used.

Functionality: The website should be easy to use, with all necessary features and information readily available. The website should be responsive and allow for easy navigation.

Security: The website should be secure, protecting user data and preventing unauthorized access.

User Interface: User interface functionality includes the design and layout of the website pages and features. This includes things like the look and feel of the website, the use of graphics and colors, and the use of menus and buttons.

Performance: The website should be fast and responsive, allowing users to navigate through the site without delay