4 Benefits Of Google Universal Vs Google Analytics 360 Suite

Google Universal Analytics, Google Analytics 360 Suite

4 Benefits Of Google Universal Vs Google Analytics 360 Suite

4 Benefits Of Google Universal Vs Google Analytics 360 Suite

Web analytics has been consolidated as the most important for business. Now time to check Google Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 360 Suite

Web analytics has been consolidated as one of the most important disciplines for any business that aims to reach a certain profit through the Internet. Along with specialized agencies in the subject, we can note an increase in professionals experts trained as web analysts. Although the work of web analysts is undoubtedly essential to assess information, draw conclusions and reach decisions based on that collection of data, the implement of data analysis tools provides an invaluable aid for professionals that evaluates and manages data. If we talk about what web analytic tools bring to the table, we need to speak about a series of possibilities:

  • To evaluate the results obtained.
  • To assess what actions within a website have worked better or worse.
  • To take efficient businesses and marketing decisions.
  • To improve usability and navigation within a website.
  • To positively improve online positioning.
  • To optimize content.
  • To analysis in real-time basis the ROI of all our online activities

As we can conclude out of this shortlist of features about web analytics is their relevance in nowadays online businesses. However, if we work towards optimizing the principal elements that define our site, we can't ignore the importance of analyzing the performance of users that visit our page. When understanding what users are doing on the web, we can look into every aspect to improve, as to how increasing the number of visitors, how to secure customer loyalty, how content is working based on user interactions...among others. It is well known that Google Analytics represents the best service of web analytics in the market today. The key to the effectivity of this online platform is the possibility of monitoring and measure not only the inbound traffic on our website, but to inform of the efficiency of the website itself along with several pieces of information about visitor activity within the website as the profile of this user. Google Analytics is a very powerful instrument for the marketing industry, and any SEO agency, as a result, over the last few years, Google has developed new improved programs that offer a set of upgraded functionalities compared with the standard Google Analytics program. On this post we focus on the last two programs launched by Google:

  1. Google Universal Analytics (2014)
  2. Google Analytics 360 Suite (2016)

Google Universal Analytics

The principal improvement introduced by Google Universal Analytics program is to make possible to follow the user's online activity through platforms and devices as customizing their own metrics. The main benefits of this program are the following:

  1. Unified measures from multiple devices
  2. Businesses Cross-data and offline. Google Universal Analytics includes the facility to integrate saved-data from other systems like CRM.
  3. Personalized dimensions and metrics in order to collect only our business unique data.
  4. Considerable simplification of functionalities such as campaign time management or search words exclusions.

Google Analytics 360 Suite

This improved feature of the Google Analytics 360 suite is directed to enhance some Marketing decision-making processes through the collection of data. The improvement offered by this program are these 4:

  1. Complete visibility of users activities, including a global track record of any action taken on the website.
  2. Obtaining only useful information, discarding unnecessary data for marketing professionals, thus obtaining conclusions and valuable information.
  3. Sharing information and collaborate is the rule, supporting the worldwide exchange of information and teamwork.
  4. Offering engaging experiences to people, integrating multiple Google technologies and working with other products such as AdWords, DoubleClick, and third-party platforms.

As we see from above, Google Analytics has revolutionized the concept of website data analysis, improving the access to diverse information and data and allowing professionals of marketing and the Internet to monitor, make decisions and carry out strategies of website development based on a series of retrieved data through online tools and enhanced cutting-edge programs.


Authored By Laura

I am Laura, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. Here you can see my skills which give you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes. I adore writing a blog on many topics, like Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing, Social Media marketing, How to Blog, etc.

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